
Le nombre d’études sur le PRP est maintenant considérable et continue à augmenter chaque année. Découvrez la bibliographie des études référencées sur le Plasma Riche en Plaquettes et la solution PRP by Arthrex ACP®.

Bibliographie des études référencées

  1. Belk J et al., Platelet-Rich Plasma versus hyaluronic Acid for knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, the American Journal of Sports Médicine, 2021; 49(1):249-260
  2. Borzini P, Mazzucco L: Tissue Regeneration and in Loco Administration of Platelet Derivates: Clinical Outcomes, Heterogeneous Products, and Heterogeneity of Effector Mechanisms. Transfusion. 2005; 45: 1 759 – 1 767
  3. Edwards D et al: Transforming Growth Factor Beta Modulates the Expression of Collagenase and Metalloproteinase Inhibitor. The EMBO Journal. 1987; 6(7): 1 899 – 1 904
  4. Lynch S et al: Role of Platelet-derived Growth Factor in Wound Healing: Synergistic Effects with other Growth Factors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 1987; 84: 7 696 – 7 700
  5. Graziani F et al: The In Vitro Effect of Different PRP Concentrations on Osteoblasts and Fibroblasts. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2006; 17(2): 212 – 219
  6. Cho J et al: Platelet-rich plasma induces increased expression of G1 cell cycle regulators, type 1 collagen, and matrix metalloproteinase-1 in human skin fibroblasts. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2011; 29(1): 32 – 36
  7. Andia I et al: Basic Science: Molecular and Biological Aspects of Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapies. Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics. 2012; 22(1): 3 – 9
  8. Smith PA: Intra-articular Autologous Conditioned Plasma Injections Provide Safe and Efficacious Treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis.The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2016; 44(4): 884 – 891
  9. Cerza F et al: Comparison between hyaluronic acid and platelet-rich plasma, intra-articular infiltration in the treatment of gonarthrosis.The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2012; 40(12): 2 822 – 2 827
  10. Cole BJ et al: Hyaluronic Acid Versus Platelet-Rich Plasma: A Prospective, Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Clinical Outcomes and Effects on Intra-articular Biology for the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis.The American Journal of Sports Medicine.2017; 45(2): 339 – 346
  11. Ford RD et al: A retrospective comparison of the management of recalcitrant lateral elbow tendinosis: platelet-rich plasma injections versus surgery. Hand (N Y). 2015; 10(2): 285 – 291
  12. Lebiedzinski R et al: A randomized study of autologous conditioned plasma and steroid injections in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis. International Orthopaedics. 2015; 39(11): 2 199 – 2 203 | Opposite view: Montalvan B et al: Inefficacy of ultrasound-guided local injections of autologous conditioned plasma for recent epicondylitis: results of a double-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial with one-year follow-up. Rheumatology. 2016; 55(2): 279 – 285
  13. Chew KT et al: Comparison of autologous conditioned plasma injection, extracorporeal shockwave therapy, and conventional treatment for plantar fasciitis: a randomized trial. PM&R. 2013; 5(12): 1 035 – 1 043
  14. Zayni R et al: Platelet-rich plasma as a treatment for chronic patellar tendinopathy: comparison of a single versus two consecutive injections. Muscles Ligaments Tendons Journal. 2015; 5(2): 92 – 98
  15. Akeda K et al: Platelet-rich plasma in the management of chronic low back pain: a critical review. Journal of Pain Research. 2019; 12: 753–767
  16. Mazzocca A et al: Platelet-rich plasma differs according to preparation method and human variability. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. 2012; 94(4):308 – 316
  17. Mazzocca A et al: The positive effects of different platelet-rich plasma methods on human muscle, bone, and tendon cells. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2012; 40(8): 1 742 – 1 749
  18. Milants C et al: Responders to Platelet-Rich Plasma is Osteoarthritis: A Technical Analysis. BioMed Research International. 2017;11
  19. Sundman E, Cole B, Fortier L: Growth Factor and Catabolic Cytokine Concentrations Are Influenced by the Cellular Composition of Platelet-Rich Plasma. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2011; 39(10): 2 135 – 2 140
  20. Kisiday J et al: Effects of Platelet-Rich Plasma Composition on Anabolic and Catabolic Activities in Equine Cartilage and Meniscal Explants. Cartilage. 2012; 3: 245 – 254
  21. Meheux CJ et al: Efficacy of Intra-articular Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review. Arthroscopy.2016; 32(3): 495-505
  22. Riboh JC et al: Effect of Leukocyte Concentration on the Efficacy of Platelet-Rich Plasma in the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2016; 44(3): 792-800
  23. Braun H et al: The Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma Formulations and Blood Products on Human Synoviocytes: Implications for Intra-articular Injury and Therapy. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2014; 42(5)
  24. Sakata R et al., Platelet-Rich Plasma Modulates Actions on Articular Cartilage Lubrication and Regeneration, Tissue Eng Part B Rev. 2w016; 22(5):408-419
  25. Cook C et al., Clinical Update: Why PRP Should Be Your First Choice for Injection Therapy in Treating Osteoarthritis of the Knee, Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2018 ; 11(4): 583–592
  26. Ziltener JL et al., Traitement des tendinopathies chroniques : intérêt des injections de plasma riche en plaquettes (PRP), Rev Med Suisse 2011; 7(1533-1537)
  27. Zhou Yigin., PRP Treatment Efficacy for Tendinopathy: A Review of Basic Science Studies, Biomedical Research International, 2016; 2016: 9103792.

Pour savoir si le PRP est un traitement adapté dans votre pathologie, demandez conseil à votre médecin. Les produits de cette gamme sont des dispositifs médicaux, consultez les notices de chaque dispositif pour plus d’informations.

ABS-10014 : Fabriquant Arthrex Inc., DFU-0186, DM-IIA, CE2797, organisme habilité BSI Netherlands, non remboursé. ABS-10013-B : Fabriquant Arthrex Inc., DFU-0354, DM-IIA, CE2797, organisme habilité BSI Netherlands, non remboursé.